Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Learner’s Book 9


ISBN: 9781108719315

Subject(s):First Language English
Qualification:Cambridge Primary
Author(s):Mike Gould, Eoin Higgins
Available from:July 2019

Introduce your learners to creative writing and writing for a purpose. They’ll write a play scene and an article about a cultural festival, helping build their extended writing skills as they progress through the units. Each unit focuses on a different text type such as dialogue, recounts, reports or instructions. Model texts in each chapter show learners good examples of each writing type and specific activities help them practise grammar typical of the genre. Learners work individually and collaboratively, developing skills such as creative thinking, planning, drafting, peer evaluation and editing.


  1. People pointers
  2. Selling a lifestyle
  3. Natural encounters
  4. Listen up
  5. Past reflection
  6. Between the lines
  7. More than a play
  8. Making yourself heard
  9. Writing about poetry
  10. Family journeys
  11. Explaining events
  12. Finding freedom.

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