Showing 1–50 of 161 resultsSorted by popularity

ISBN: 9780620325844Grades: 5 to 12 + Tertiary Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Beryl Lutrin Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325844 Publication date: September 1999 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual…

ISBN: 9781586638450OVERVIEW Read Shakespeare’s plays in all their brilliance—and understand what every word means! Don’t be intimidated by Shakespeare! These popular guides make the Bard’s plays accessible and enjoyable. Each No Fear guide contains: The complete text of the original play A line-by-line translation that puts the words into everyday language A complete list of characters, with descriptions Plenty of helpful commentary

ISBN: 9781920297923Description This easy-to-follow, learner-friendly Grade 10 English Home Language 3-in-1 study guide walks you methodically through the four main skills – Listening & Speaking; Reading & Viewing; Writing & Presenting; Language Structures & Conventions. It provides clear guidance on how to approach assessment tasks, including examples with hints and constructive comments. Key Features: Step-by-step, manageable…

ISBN: 9781770259980‘n Moet-he-naslaanboek wat alles dek wat leerders van graad 8 tot 12 en Afrikaansstudente in hulle eerste jaar van Afrikaans moet weet. In tien afdelings word die inhoud duidelik en met behulp van kleur uiteengesit. ‘n Volledige oorsig oor Afrikaans se woordsoorte en hul funksies, spelling, woordvorming en woordeskat; sinne en paragrawe; register, styl, emotiewe…

ISBN: 9781776070091About this book: Download the memo here: Best Books Studiewerkgids Verskuns vir Eerste Addisionele Taal memoranda This Study Work Guide has been compiled according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement of the Department of Basic Education for the prescribed text Verskuns vir Eerste Addisionele Taal for Grade 12 First Additional Language. This guide will assist…

ISBN: 9781928330813

ISBN: 9781920578275

ISBN: 9781920321833

ISBN: 9781920568788Description This Grade 12 Consumer Studies 3-in-1 Class Text & Study guide is a dependable, easy-to-follow study aid for every learner in this subject. It contains thoroughly researched notes, clear illustrations, study tips, exercises and exam papers. The bulleted notes, relevant diagrams and logical layout aid understanding and accessibility of the curriculum content. Key features:…

ISBN: 9781920558253

R100.00 – R259.00
ISBN: 9781920297855Description This Grade 10 Life Sciences 3-in-1 study guide enables you to understand the basic concepts of the Grade 10 curriculum and creates a strong foundation for success in Grades 11 and 12. The subject material is organised into logical easy-to-understand units and sections which simplify the curriculum content. Key features: Comprehensive, learner-friendly notes per…

ISBN: 97806203258994-5 working days to order. Grades: 8 to 12 + Tertiary Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Simeon Mantel Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325899 Publication date: July 2016 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive Accounting reference book and set of notes that covers everything in School Accounting from Grades 8 to 12 and beyond. Practical…

ISBN: 9781920568870Description This book is PART 2 of a SET of 2 Life Sciences study guides comprehensively covering the Grade 12 CAPS curriculum. It contains the 2 Knowledge Areas examined in Paper 2 (National final exam): Life at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue level Diversity, Change and Continuity Key features: Comprehensive, accessible notes per module Carefully selected, graded…

R200.00 – R259.00
ISBN: 9781920568856

R240.00 – R279.00
ISBN: 9781920568702Description This Grade 12 Maths Literacy 3-in-1 study guide has been developed with meticulous focus and care. It is a highly recommended, stand-alone guide to guarantee success, caters for a wide spectrum of learners and stimulates interest and enjoyment of the curriculum content. This book is all you need in order to prepare for the…

ISBN: 9781586638474No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of Julius Caesar on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right. Each No Fear Shakespeare contains: The complete text of the original play A line-by-line translation that puts Shakespeare into everyday language A complete list of characters with descriptions Plenty of helpful commentary….

ISBN: 9781920558260Description Hierdie Graad 11 Lewenswetenskappe 3-in-1 studiegids verander ‘n baie inhoudryke Graad 11-kurrikulum in eenvoudige en hanteerbare vakinhoud. Verduidelikings is duidelik afgebaken en maklik om te verstaan, terwyl dit jou eksamenvaardighede en jou persepsie van die lewende (biologiese) wêreld ontwikkel. Sleutelkenmerke: Omvattende, toeganklike notas per module Noukeurige uitgesoekte, gegradeerde vrae en antwoorde per module Snelvuurvrae…

ISBN: 9781920708085

ISBN: 9781776113453

ISBN: 9781776070121About this book: Download the answers here: Best Books Studiewerkgids Onderwêreld memoranda This Study Work Guide has been compiled according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement of the Department of Basic Education for the prescribed text Onderwêreld for Grade 12 Home Language. This guide will assist learners in their understanding of the text and their…

ISBN: 9781776070718About this book: Best Books Studiewerkgids: Pad na jou hart Hierdie studiewerkgids is spesiaal saamgestel om leerders te help om Pad na jou hart, ‘n roman vir Graad 10-11 Afrikaans Huistaal en Eerste Addisionele Taal, ten volle te verstaan en te geniet. Dit voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) en al die belangrikste aspekte…

R40.00 – R156.00
ISBN: 9781920356132Physical Sciences can be an intimidating subject for learners. There is a lot of complex information to learn, and there are also many equations and mathematical skills needed. Ace it! Physical Sciences Grade 10 uses detailed descriptions, step by-step explanations, annotated diagrams and easy-to-learn tables to simplify the content. You can take control of your…

R100.00 Original price was: R100.00.R30.00Current price is: R30.00.
ISBN: LIKE NEW - 9781107649576

ISBN: LIKE NEW - 97806203258994-5 working days to order. Grades: 8 to 12 + Tertiary Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Simeon Mantel Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325899 Publication date: July 2016 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive Accounting reference book and set of notes that covers everything in School Accounting from Grades 8 to 12 and beyond. Practical…

R80.00 – R156.00
ISBN: USED - 9781920356422By the time you are in Grade 12, your Afrikaans teacher expects you to have a basic command of the Afrikaans language. However, many learners feel overwhelmed and daunted by the Afrikaans exam papers. Ace it! Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 12 helps you to prepare for your exams by offering you plenty of opportunity…

ISBN: 9781920297893Description This Grade 10 Consumer Studies 3-in-1 Class Text & Study guide gives you a step-by-step but thorough introduction to the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum. The detailed notes, practical tips, generous array of questions, answers and exam paper practice provide the Grade 10 learner with all the skills, content material and consolidation necessary to excel…

ISBN: 9781920686543Description This Grade 11 Life Sciences 3in1 study guide breaks the IEB curriculum down into accessible chunks, allowing you to navigate your way through a challenging course. You’ll gain thorough understanding of various organisms and their environment, and an overview of human influences and sustainability as you work through this comprehensive study guide. Key Features:…

ISBN: 9781920356651Examiners often comment on learners’ lack of content knowledge, and how this impacts their ability to write well-structured and intelligent essays. Ace it! Business Studies Grade 11 will help you to ensure that you have a deeper understanding of common business concepts and the appropriate technology. This is the first step to being able to…

ISBN: LIKE NEW - 9781776070091

R100.00 – R259.00
ISBN: 9781920297879Description This Grade 10 Accounting 3-in-1 study guide gives you a fantastic jumpstart to the Accounting curriculum in future grades. You work through logically organised sections, gaining a deep understanding of the basic terms, concepts and principles you’ll need. The graded questions and answers then invite you to apply what you learn and track your…

R249.00 – R279.00
ISBN: 9781920568764

ISBN: 9781928330837

ISBN: 9781928330080

ISBN: 9781920686574Description This book is the second of a comprehensive two-part study guide series which covers the full Grade 12 Life Sciences IEB curriculum. As a pair, the two books cover all the material required for Paper 1 and Paper 2 in your IEB exam. PART 2 guides you methodically through the Environmental Studies and Life…

R100.00 – R259.00
ISBN: 9781920686567Description This book is PART 1 of a SET of 2 Life Sciences study guides covering the Grade 12 IEB curriculum. This PART 1 study guide walks you through the knowledge strands Life at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue level and Diversity, Change and Continuity. For Environmental Studies and Life Processes in Plants and Animals,…

R100.00 – R279.00
ISBN: 9781920568948Description Hierdie Graad 12 Afrikaans EAT 3-in-1 studiegids neem jou stapsgewys deur die vier hoofvaardighede vir Afrikaans EAT – Luister & Praat; Lees & Kyk; Skryf & Aanbied; Taalstrukture & -konvensies. Interessante, aktuele en inspirerende voorbeeldtekste word deurgaans voorsien om meer spesifieke vaardighede te ontwikkel. Die logiese uitleg en voorbeelde help met begrip en toeganklikheid…

R100.00 – R279.00
ISBN: 9781920568931Description This Grade 12 English Home Language 3-in-1 study guide offers a full walkthrough for learners writing both the DBE (National) exams and the IEB exams, and offers an original DBE-style Paper 1 and an original IEB-style Paper I. The book is organised into bite sized, manageable chunks, focusing on one thing at a time…

ISBN: 9781920568801Description This Grade 12 Business Studies 3-in-1 study guide presents the subject material in an accessible, organised format. It reinforces your knowledge with bulleted summaries, illustrative diagrams and tables. Exam questions from recent CAPS exams at the end of each topic enable you to assess your understanding and practice your skills. Key features: Comprehensive notes…

R100.00 – R279.00
ISBN: 9781920568740Description This Grade 12 Physical Sciences 3-in-1 study guide is a best seller. It covers all the basic concepts, laws definitions and calculations in an uncomplicated, accessible style. By working systematically through each topic and its questions you can improve your understanding of a most challenging subject at your own pace. Key features: Comprehensive, explanatory…

ISBN: 9781776072026

ISBN: 9781775851042

ISBN: 9780620325875Grades: 4 to 12 + Tertiary THE ISIZULU HANDBOOK & STUDY GUIDE Grades: 4 to 12 + Tertiary and for anyone wishing to learn IsiZulu Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Various Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325875 Publication date: January 2018 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive reference book…

ISBN: USED - 9781776070091

ISBN: 9780636090880

ISBN: USED - 9780636086203

ISBN: 9780620375320Xhosa for Second-Language Learners – A handbook, reference book and classroom textbook that may be used from senior school through to university and beyond; a comprehensive reference that covers all aspects of the Xhosa language in one book; everything a student wants and needs – explained simply and concisely in English; designed to be used…

ISBN: USED - 9781920568849

ISBN: USED - 9780141015514Book Description: How might Katherine’s final speech be staged in the twenty-first century? How might it have been staged in the sixteenth? Must this speech be played for irony, or should we understand her words as sincere? This Handbook foregrounds performance and history as interpretative issues, introducing students to a process of creative imaginative thought….

ISBN: 9781920297930Description This Grade 10 English First Additional Language 3-in-1 study guide helps you to explore and understand the four main FAL skills in greater depth – Listening & Speaking; Reading & Viewing; Writing & Presenting; Language Structures & Conventions. This comprehensive study guide is packed with clear, concrete ‘how to’ pointers, and carefully selected exercises…

ISBN: 9781920568795Description Hierdie Graad 12 Verbruikerstudies 3-in-1 Klasteks & Studiegids is ‘n betroubare, maklik-om-te-volg studiehulpmiddel vir elke leerder wat hierdie vak neem. Dit bevat deeglik nagevorste notas, duidelike illustrasies, studiewenke, oefeninge en eksamenvraestelle. Die kolpuntnotas, relevante diagramme en logiese uitleg dra by tot begrip en toeganklikheid van die kurrikuluminhoud. Sleutelkenmerke: Omvattende notas en wenke Vrae en…