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ISBN: 9780008546052Collins Cambridge IGCSEâ„¢ Maths Student’s Book – Fourth Edition provides in-depth coverage of every aspect of the revised Cambridge IGCSE and IGCSE (9-1) Mathematics syllabuses (0580/0980) for examination from 2025. The resource covers the Core and Extended syllabus. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education For examination from: 2025 Support and challenge students with both the Core…

ISBN: 9780008262006The third edition of the Collins Cambridge IGCSE® English Student Book covers in depth every skill and topic in the Cambridge IGCSE® and IGCSE® (9–1) First Language English syllabuses (0500 and 0990), showing students how to make progress.

ISBN: 9781108562898The coursebook provides clear explanations and practice exercises to help students master maths skills. This edition comes with a subscription to the Pure Mathematics 1 Cambridge Online Mathematics component. With all of the materials found within the coursebook, including answers, Cambridge Online Mathematics offers students the facility to demonstrate their working, as well as opportunities…

ISBN: 9781510421318Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: English First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020. Inspire students with a new theme-based approach while supporting them with practical advice and accessible explanations; ensure full coverage…

ISBN: 9781108444880This title offers additional practice exercises for students following the Pure Mathematics 1 unit of the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics syllabus (9709). The materials follow the same order as the corresponding coursebook and contain extra worked examples to help students understand the skills required of the syllabus. End-of-chapter review exercises are also…

ISBN: 9781108407267Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Mechanics matches the corresponding unit of the syllabus, with clear and logical progression through. It contains materials on topics such as velocity and acceleration, force and motion, friction, connected particles, motion in a straight line, momentum, and work and energy. This coursebook contains a variety of features including…

ISBN: 9780799391268

ISBN: 9781108464024This title offers additional practice exercises for students following the Mechanics unit of the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics syllabus (9709). The materials follow the same order as the corresponding coursebook and contain extra worked examples to help students understand the skills required of the syllabus. End-of-chapter review exercises are also provided to…

ISBN: 9780799384512Glo my, as jy op die ingewing van die oomblik ’n skaap by ’n kerkbasaar steel, sal jou lewe nooit weer dieselfde wees nie … Luan se vakansieplanne is in hulle peetjie. In plaas daarvan dat hy by die huis gaan rondsit, PlayStation speel en saam met sy pelle kuier, moet hy Karoo toe gaan….

ISBN: 9780624065760Pad na jou Hart – Basson is an arrogant young man who needs to surmount a number of extremely difficult challenges before he’ll be allowed to take control of the family business. When a carefree young girl enters his life things become even more complicated

ISBN: 9781107625853

ISBN: 9781431028627Ukufa KukaShaka ngumdlalo osikhanyisela ngembangela, ukungaboni ngaso linye kanye nokuhlelwa kokubulawa kukaShaka. Iphupho leLembe uShaka lokwakha isiZwe esikhulu samaZulu libonakala liphelela ezeni njengoba uShaka ekhothama ngenxa yabafowabo. Lo mdlalo ukhethwe nguMnyango wezeMfundo yamaBanga aphansi njengencwadi ekulungele ukufundwa ebangeni le-10. Ibhalwe yalandela imigomo yesiTatimende soHlelo lweziFundo lukaZwelonke (uTahfuzwe) ebangeni le-10(uLimi lwaseKhaya).

ISBN: 9780796074225Le noveli ixwayisa ngobugebengu. Ixoxa ngoNdebenkulu owayehamba ethi yena usiza abantu ngokubathengisela izinkomo zabo kubelungu bezindali nabamasilaha kanti uyabagebenga.

ISBN: 9781415423530Agricultural Sciences is a fascinating subject to study because it uses knowledge and skills from a variety of subjects. This year you’ll study soils, plants and animals, and their relationship to the economy. You’ll learn how to take care of the environment and our country’s natural resources. You’ll even look at how agriculture affects social…

ISBN: 9780796054418

ISBN: 9781928518136In die laat 1800’s is die De Beer-gesin op reis toe hul ossewa breek en hulle onverwags moet oorbly op ‘n plaas in die Oos-Vrystaat. Dis winter, en soos die donker sneeuwolke oor die Drakensberge aanrol, word die familie deur tragedie getref. Geïnspireer deur die verhaal wat van geslag tot geslag oorvertel word, is hierdie…